Virtual Training Program

Give flight to your storytelling initiative with a Narativ online workshop

For 17 years, Narativ has brought people together in groups of 25 (and in some cases 400) to listen to and tell personal stories. Workshops broke barriers, humanized workers in each other’s eyes, and forged new connections. From hidden voices of trans sex-workers in South Africa to engineers at Silicon valley icons, our training has imparted storytelling skills, stories, and a new appreciation for the ability to communicate data and strategy in story form.

3 years ago we posed a challenge to ourselves: could the intimacy and penetrating impact of a storytelling workshop be replicated online? We began with small test groups, evolved into 25 person workshops, and just this year our co-founder, Murray Nossel, engaged over 500 people in an online storytelling event. Clearly, online storytelling training works.

“Working with Jerome set me on a new journey to develop my leadership skills.”

—Shruti, consulting project manager, unicerf


Our online workshops follow the same blueprint of our in-person training. We begin with a discovery phase, listening and learning about the state of storytelling in your organization; identifying who the storytellers are; understanding existing narratives; and preparing to meet your training goals. Often our clients discover new narratives and fresh ways of speaking about their mission and values.

The unprecedented economic, political, health and social transformation wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic present a unique opportunity to support the regrouping of teams and companies with storytelling, whether to reconnect or bring on new hires. Other common reasons companies seek out our storytelling training are:

  • Use storytelling to create or support your strategy
  • Tell you organizations story so that it is memorable and repeatable
  • Bring data and numbers to life
  • Inspire audiences toward action and behavioral change

The next step is planning and executing the workshop itself. Usually, we suggest a half-day or full-day workshop. Often we follow up with individual coaching sessions to bring stories to maturity.

Read Shruti’s complete testimonial. Please book a call with Jerome Deroy to discuss further.

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Editorial Team


Our editorial team at Narativ is a group of experts led by CEO and business storytelling craftsman, Jerome Deroy. We aim to create educational and informative content relevant to the emerging trends in business leadership, sales, team building, and onboarding.

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