Personal Storytelling for Business
We help companies activate behavioral change from the inside out
When You Lead with Story,
Change Will Follow
The human brain is hard wired for story. Scientific studies show us that we remember stories more than data, statistics, and numbers.
At Narativ, we help you leverage the power of storytelling with our business storytelling training programs, one-on-one coaching, and virtual workshops for sales, team building, leadership development and onboarding.

Transform Business Communication

Equip yourself with the ability to inspire your team and gain traction with stakeholders.

Transform your onboarding process into an interactive and action-driven experience.

Facilitate connection amongst your team members, virtually or in-person.

Business Storytelling Training

The Essential Guide to Selling by Telling Your Touchstone Story
Learn how to create your personal Touchstone Story, build trust and relate to potential customers and their pain points by sharing your own.
Our Process and How it Works
The Narativ Method
The Narativ method consists of three stages: excavate, craft and present. Our training begins with the question, “Why story? Why now?” as the entree into the excavation process that enables you and your team to take a deeper look at your audience, your listening skills and how to identify obstacles to listening.
Why is listening so important to storytelling?
At the very heart of it all is a principle known as the reciprocal relationship of listening and telling. How we listen affects how a story is told. Conversely, how a story is told impacts and changes our listening. This is the principle that differentiates the Narativ Method from other storytelling techniques.