Vulnerability In Business

What happens when a leader tells a personal story about his father to a business audience? Does vulnerability connect you with your audience or does it distract the audience? Jerome and Jules discuss vulnerability and leadership, through real world stories about leaders they’ve worked with. You’ll come away with practical ideas and tools to present yourself in a genuine way, representing who you really are in order to connect with your audience.narativ.com jryanpartners.comArticle about vulnerability and storytelling: narativ.com/2021/05/17/mvp-of-storytelling


  • An executive who told a personal story about his father for a business audience: we discussed the executive’s fears and vulnerability, and why it was one of the best presentations he ever gave.
  • Stories are an important tool to bring to life concepts that are hard to grasp
  • A story about a panel where someone get emotional on stage while moderating. The vulnerability one of the participants showed made everyone lean in.
  • When you notice emotions, don’t try to suppress those, let the vulnerability come through.
  • Look within your own family dynamics and experiences as a source for stories that you can tell in a business setting. These are highly relatable and carry universal truths and lessons.
  • Take a risk by sharing a personal story!
  • Your audience is far more capable of hearing a personal, emotional story, than you think!
  • Teachers and mentors, people who’ve seen you in a different way, encouraged you and empowered you are a great source of stories.
  • When emotions are involved for the storyteller, you indicate to the audience that you are truly in the moment with your listeners.
  • Personal storytelling is not just for confident presenters, introverts can do it too!
  • Try telling personal stories, you’ll feel energized and more connected to your own experiences, which in turn creates connection with your audience.
  • Once you’ve heard someone’s story, you’ll never look at them the same way again.
  • Call to action: Surprise yourself and be open to surprise. Listen for surprise. What can that bring to your next meeting or presentation?
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